This photo was taken the day I made homemade soap at my friend Julie's house. That's most of my stuff you see in the background...but that's life isn't it :) :) :) Oh, in the glass was iced tea with agave syrup...so good!!!
A Bible verse that really touched my heart yesterday is....
Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJ)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication , with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God , which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Yeah, I'm so excited about another week of sharing some beautiful tea things and also viewing everyone elses special treasures. There really, truly are some kindred spirits out there :) :) )
Today I'm actually bringing you some tea things from a friend's house. I have one other tea cup...and that's it for my tea things. So I'm definitely going to be haunting some yard sales, garage sales and the Goodwill this week :) :) :)
Do you remember when I was making homemade soap not this past weekend, but the weekend before? I spyed some absolutely lovely china tea things in her cabinet. Julie very graciously let me pull a couple of pieces out and photograph them for you. Thanks Julie!!!!!
Here's a closer look at the saucer. I just love the three rows of accents around the saucer's edge!!!
There's a whole set of dishes to go along with the tea things. The photo at the top of this post is a lovely teacup and saucer. I really love flowers and roses in particular when it comes to china :) :) There are some lovely pink roses with wonderful accents all along the rim of the cup and around the edge of the saucer. Especially nice is the simple but at the same time dainty/elegant handle on the teacup.
This is the best photo I could get of the backstamp. It says "Noritake Bone China - Japan - 9729 - "Shenandoah" Click here to see some company information from Noritake about the "Shenandoah" china. This pattern is no longer being manufactured for the USA.
Here's one of the beautiful flowers growing in Julie's garden. Thanks for stopping by for tea. I had fun writing this post today. I just figured out this afternoon that I can have a whole bunch of posts lined up for the next week and work on them a little bit at a time. I don't have to do it all in one sitting. It will only be published when the "publish post" button is clicked!!! Yeah...so cool!!!! I can't wait to see what you all put out on display for Tuesday!!! Thanks for joining "Teatime with Heather" today :) :) :)
Feel free to share this photo on your blog if you'd like...or share it with friends/loved ones!!! Have a super blessed Tuesday!!!
That's the tea and the news from Oregon today. Have a lovely week. Love and hugs, Heather :)
Hello Heather, The lily is beautiful and so is the saucer you photographed at Julie's house. Thanks for sharing some beauty with us today! By the way, I love your blog background. It is so classy/vintage/pretty/dainty/feminine!
HI Beth...
thanks for paying me a visit. I was actually looking at your blog earlier...I was looking at all the lovely garden photos. I would love to have a garden like that someday. So I went and joined your blog :) :) I've been stumbling around all these different tea posts today trying to figure out where to sign up for this week :) :) I think next time I'll wait till Tuesday :) :)
Thanks for telling me what kind of flower that was...I had no idea. I just knew that I like it for its beauty :) :) Thanks for the compliment on my blog background. If you look at the very top left-hand corner..there's a link there..click on it and it'll direct you to a site called "The Cutest Blog on the Block" They're really nice people who have all these free backgrounds!!! That's where I found mine :) :) Have an awesome week, Beth!!! Love and hugs from Oregon , Heather :)
Hi Heather,
Love your photos today, I love everything to do with tea! Didn't realize you did this on tuesdays as I am just getting to learn your blog. That would be fun to do! I also didn't know you could prepublish posts, thanks for sharing that!!!
Hi Jill,
Yes, I'm new to the tea thing myself..but you can check some of the buttons on my sidebar...all the tea ones are right after Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspiration. I will be adding Lady Katherine's Tea button to my blog soon as well. From there, there's all sorts of links to various tea parties. It's so much fun and if you have tea things to share...this is definitely for you :) :)
Yes on the posts...let me think for a moment..When you are working on a post, if you click save...it just saves it in "edit" mode...It won't publish to your blog for everyone to read until you click on "publish post" ..You might do a practice blog post to try it out. I've got about 3 that I'm working on little by little, so that when the day arrives, they'll be ready. It's helpful for me...and I don't spend hours in one sitting working on a single post...although, I don't mind because it's worth it for all my blogger friends :) :) :) Lots of love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hello Heather: Your tea cup is beautiful. Thank you so much for joining us for Tea Cup Tuesday. Have a great week. I hope you will join us again next week. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha
Hi Heather,
I participate in 3 of the weekly tea party events, so I wanted to be sure to visit you. (I won't be linking up until the morning, as I didn't get my picture taken before it got dark).
Anyhow, I see that this is your second time at the party. A hearty welcome to you. I know you will love being a part of the fun...I know also you'll meet some great gals by being here.
Your teacup is lovely. Of course, any teacup so loaded with flowers can't be anything but lovely, right?
I love the verse your shared. Our family has really experienced the truth of that verse these past few months. We had an adoption fall through in April, and although heartbroken, we had that supernatural peace that transcends all understanding.
And, also, not only can you start a post and put it in drafts, did you know that if you totally finish your post, you can go to the "post options" and change the date to whatever date you want...and the post will automatically post then. It will say in your dashboard "scheduled."
Anyhow, again, welcome to the tea party.
Blessings to you,
Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)
Good evening...It's LATE...but that's okay!!!
@Martha...thank you :) :) :) The teacup belongs to my friend Julie. I literally have one more teacup to show, plus a sugarbowl...but that's all I'll tell you. You'll have to watch for NEXT Tuesday :) :) :) Yes, I plan on being there EVERY week. This is so much fun and it's a real treat for the eyes to see all of the beautiful things everyone has to share!!!
@Patti :) :) :)....thanks for stopping by to pay me a visit ;) :) :) I've met some awesome ladies through these Tuesday teas and other blogs. You are so right about that :) :) It's been a real blessing. Good friends have been hard to find where I'm living right now. So God has been good to provide them another way...via blogger :) :)
Yes, you are also right about teacups...they can never have too many flowers on them :) :) :)
Thank you for sharing that personal story with me!!! I'll keep you all in my prayers. It's not something I understand...but I know that God does :) :) :)...and He is a big God and He is good :) :) SO I'll pray lots for you all :) :)
Thanks for the tip about blogger...about postdating the posts :) :) :) I'll have to try that.
Thanks for visiting me ladies :) :) :) Lots of love and hugs, Heather :) :) :)
Hi Friend!
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! I got your 3 entries! :)
That is a beautiful pattern! I think my mom has some dishes in that pattern.
Hi Heather I stopped by because I was at Jill's and you had mentioned the movie Kitt Kit Kittredge- I loved that movie. You commented just above me and also I noticed you lived in Oregon which I am so in love with Oregon. We go there often. I have some covered bridge photos from there and beach photos. What pretty china I love it. I have some 100 year old china, well older actually from England. I would love to share with you, but I have not photographed it yet.
Thanks for the tea I quite enjoyed it. I love the flower too very pretty.
I had fun looking around at your blog. Have a great Tuesday! Hug
Hi friend....Amy :) :) :)
Thanks for calling me "friend" :) :) I think I posted a link to the company that makes that pattern. YOu can check it out. Also, there's a company I found online called Replacemets Ltd or something like that..and they have just about every pattern imaginable for all sorts of companies. I think it's a go-to source if you're looking to completely your china set :) :)
Have a great week!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hi Heather,
Lovely comment. I got it on the previous post.
You are so sweet. Thank you for stopping by.
Love that you are sharing a friend's tea treasure.
Chat soon.
Blessings, Pam
HI Kat,
Thanks for visiting me and leaving a nice comment :) :) :) Blogger is doing strange things with my comments...so it looks like I didn't answer your post..but I am :) :) :) Definitely you should photograph that china and share it with everyone. I think they'd be really interested in seeing that. I know that I am already :) :) Thanks again for stopping by...I had fun reading your comment :) :) :) Have a great week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hi Pam/Paper Butterfly...
Thank you :) :) :) :) You're a sweetheart!!! Have fun looking at everyone's tea things tomorrow. I know I'll have lots of fun!!!
Love and hugs, Heather :)
Hi Heather,
You are pure sunshine!!!! I just found those tea parties and hooked up my Whimsical Musings...wait til you see what I made for them! How fun!
I love your post...so beautiful!
Hi Cindy...
Awesome...and thanks for the compliment :) :) I LOVe tea...I mean I've always loved it..but now that I've found people who like to show off tea cups and all the pretty things to go with tea...wow...It's a lot of color overload for my eyes :) :) ...but I LOVE it and wouldn't have it any other way :) :) Oh, I'll look up your post!!!!
I need to go to bed now. I've stayed up way too late!!! I've been reading tea posts and it's great :) :) Thanks again for your compliments :) :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Aren't friends wonderful?!!! Thanks for sharing Julie and her beautiful china with us. The lily is grand! You are going to have fun on your search for cups and saucers and all things *TEA*!!!!
Your teacup is lovely and I love the verse your shared.
Sweet Blessings,
This is such a beautiful tea cup and saucer. I agree, the three rows of floral details on the saucer are fabulous! This china pattern looks very "wedding" like to me. A lovely set to have.
Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
Love the teacup you are showing.
Noritake makes some fine China.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Heather, your friend has such a sweet teacup! Love the delicate florals on this one, especially the sweet little pink roses!
You asked a while back what paint I use for the makeovers...It's Krylon Fushions paint; I use Dover white and Fairytale Pink for all my things that I spray paint. This particular paint you don't have to use a primer first, as it has it within the paint itself...one less step to have to do.
Wishing you a Happy "Tea" Tuesday today my friend!!
Warmest hugs to you, Brenda
Hi Heather! I *love* that china pattern...I don't remember who it is of my family/friends who owns it...I think it's my sister-in-love. SO beautiful!! I enjoy doing tea up special with saucers and cups. I like the mismatched look where each guest has a different set...it feels "country" to me. :)
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Heather,
Tea party time is definitely so beautiful, isn't it?
I love to see everyone's lovely settings...it's so dreamy!
Oh, that french quarter pic is the baker's rack in my kitchen!!! lol I put it on so people could see a little tour of our New Orleans-style home. If you want to put it in your room, no problem!
@Snap...thank you :) :) :) I love tea. Thanks for visiting me today :) I'll have a bit of money tomorrow...so I'm going to map out Goodwill and a few other thrift shops :) :) I'm excited to see what I might find!!!
@Virginia..Thank you!!! THanks for visiting me :) :)
@Brenda/shabby Cats and Roses...thanks for the tips on the paint. If you click on my sidebar on yard sales...you'll have to scroll a bit...I posted a pic of a black wire cage with leaves/vines that I bought fro $0.25..I'm thinking of painting it!!! :) :)
@Terri...I'm not sure if it's a wedding set or not. It might be. I'll have to ask Julie. It is beautiful :) :)
@Penny...thanks for leaving me a comment. yes, when I was researching Noritake online I did see they make some wonderful things :)
@Camille...I love the mismatched look too. I like it when a teacup matches the saucer...but I like having a mismatched set too. I just like having teacups and teathings in general :) :) :) It's also a smart way for people to keep track of which tea is there's ..so no one drinks out of someone else's tea cup. That would be bad. Now I don't know that I can convince my dad to have tea...BUT I bet he'll sip a soda pop out of a tea cup if I ask him...hmm...that gives me an idea :) :)
@Cindy...I saved the pic...but it didn't enlarge for me...so it's small. That's okay...I'll post in on my blog sidebar. It'll look good there. If you have a larger version, let me know!!! How cute...New Orleans..I've never been...but I do love French things...so I can imagine your house looks very beautiful and French. Oh, that reminds me, I have this drinking bowl with handles that I purchased in Bretagne (Brittany), France...l'autre finistere many years ago. I'll have to post about that for next Tuesday!!!
Ladies...thank you so much for visiting me...Wow today...when I went to my blog I had 7 comments waiting for me...that's a record at one time :) :) What a treat!!! Thanks for visiting me and sharing some tea. My place is humble, but you are always invited to stop by :) :) :) Lots of love and hugs to all today!!!!, Love, Heather :)
I love,love,love your tea things--they are gorgeous. I've checked our local Goodwill and Salvation Army for tea cups and saucers but I haven't found any yet. I will keep looking though. My daughter and I are looking forward to having our first of many teas together. That is a beautiful lily. Thanks for sharing it with us. I love that Bible verse-I need to remember it more often. I hope you have a blessed evening. Sheila
Hi Sheila...Thanks for stopping by :) :) Goodwill actually has some good things...and so does St. Vincent de Paul..but t hose are usually a little spendier and behind lock and key. However, I'm still holding out hope that God will bring me more teacups etc...at the right time and the right price :) :) :) Or other tea things for that matter...I've decided I love Prince Albert...lots of people have that...and I like the pattern!!!...I love anything feminine and romantic and vintage when it comes to tea!!! Have a great day...Thanks for the compliments on the tea things and the flower. Both belong to my friend Julie :) :) I'm going to ask more friends if I can photograph their tea things.. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hello my sweet friend,
I'm so happy you could join me today! The teacup is lovely and it was very nice of your friend Julie to 'loan' it to you for pictures. You know, I've been blogging for about a little over a year and a half and I'm still learning all kinds of things about blogging. So, you're doing well.
Loved your use of Philippians! I always enjoy reading from that book. Thanks for joining me today and I wish you a lovely evening.
Hi Heather,
Thanks so much for coming to visit...I put that tea cup on so quickly, it's not fancy! (Most of my things are packed for evacuation.)
The kitchen picture looks really cute on here too!
I love how you wrote, "I love coffee." Cute, cute!
I hope you're having a wonderful evening!!!
@Sandi/Rose Chintz Cottage..
Hello sweet friend :) :) :) Thanks for visiting me...I'm going to send Julie a link to today's post so she can read all the nice compliments :) :) I love reading my Bible. It's so important for life!!!
@Cindy...thanks..I love that coffee photo. I have to figure out a way to enlarge it so I can print it out one of these days :) :) :)
Ladies...thanks for visiting. My dad and I stopped by our old job site today to pick up some things...and I remember that Canada geese like to fly to the duck pond here...but I couldn't figure out where they spent most of their free time. I figured it out today...a whole flock of Canada geese ...so cute...noisy, but cute :) :) I'm p osting a picture of it tomorrow!!!
Have a great week. Love and hugs, Heather :)
Heather.. God has someone very special in mind for you one day..but right now it sounds like he has you blessing your earthly father with you kind heart..
Have a great day friend..
Talk to you again tomorrow..
Hi Heather, Your tea things post is lovely. I love those tiny roses on the cup and saucer, thanks for sharing it. The photos you take of flowers are really amazing!!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog today, I hope you have a great night!
xoxo from Pennsylvania,
Heather I love knowing you! You post so beautifully. I hope you come see me soon. I have a Lovely Award for you. Whew! I am hoping I posted everything ok! I get a little nervous. I am technically challenged. Your flowers always look gorgeous over here and the tea stuff. Wow! Love it! Hugs Anne
The minute I clicked to Tea Time Tuesday, I saw your little picture staring out at me. I knew it immediately because Shenendoah is my own pattern. I loved it when I chose it a quarter of a century ago, and I love it today.
I didn't realize until reading this that it's retired. Sigh. I never bought the tea pot that came with it all those years ago.
What a lovely visit you had with your friend! How beautiful is that flower from her garden? I'm glad I happened to stroll by.
Hi ladies...thanks for visiting me :) :)
@Karen...thanks.. I was really frustrated with my dad today about the dishwasher...He overloads it all the time and it's annoying and I wasn't very nice to him :( :( I did apologize, because I don't ever want to be someone who gets annoyed over little stuff like that..
@Nancy...thank you...the flower photos, that's easy..there's a special function on my camera that allows me to take picturse of photos that are less then 28" away from me...You should have something like that on your camera. Try it out. It's fun to play around with!!! I just take pictures of what I love...that's it :) :) :)
@Anne...you are so funny!! I love knowing you too. You make me laugh :)
@Debbie...yes that flower is from my friend's garden!!! Thanks for visiting me. I sent you a regular email with a link to a company called Replacements Ltd...they have replacement pieces for just about every china pattern imaginable. Check them out. You might be able to buy your Shenandoah teapot from them!!!...or try ebay?
Lots of love and hugs to you all, Heather :)
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