Feel free to share this on your blog and/or with your friends an loved ones. Please link this back to my blog!! Thanks!!! Love ya all!!!! Oh, what I recommend is left-clicking on the photo to enlarge and then save it!!
Hi everyone...I hope you have a really nice Sunday. I'll post about my mystery knitted dishcloth late tonight or tomorrow morning. I just feel the need, at least for Sundays to just keep it simple with Scripture :) :) :)
OH, yesterday, I forgot to mention that I found one of those shopping baskets that I put my German professor's peaches in. I picked up the basket with my arm..not wise, since it was super heavy and the handles were hurting my arm. Now I have this nasty bruise going across my arm...Well, I'll be "smarter" next time...ha ha ha :) :)
Have a great Sunday everyone!!! Thank you so much for your friendship and for visiting my blog. That's the news from Oregon for this morning. Extra love and hugs, Heather :)
Hi everyone...I hope you have a really nice Sunday. I'll post about my mystery knitted dishcloth late tonight or tomorrow morning. I just feel the need, at least for Sundays to just keep it simple with Scripture :) :) :)
OH, yesterday, I forgot to mention that I found one of those shopping baskets that I put my German professor's peaches in. I picked up the basket with my arm..not wise, since it was super heavy and the handles were hurting my arm. Now I have this nasty bruise going across my arm...Well, I'll be "smarter" next time...ha ha ha :) :)
Have a great Sunday everyone!!! Thank you so much for your friendship and for visiting my blog. That's the news from Oregon for this morning. Extra love and hugs, Heather :)
Gorgeous picture and love the verse with it.
I hope your arm isn't giving you too much trouble. I fell a week ago and bruised my arm too--I never knew how much I hit that part of my arm throughout the day until it was hurt!! I bump it into everything!!!
Have a blessed week!!
YUMMY Peaches!!!! It won't be long now until the NC apples will be flowing into the market.
I love the scripture on your nice scenery picture; in fact it is one of my favorites.
In the chapters preceding, Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well, still about water.
John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Since this is Sunday and you had such a sweet post, this scripture just popped into my mind and I wanted to add it.
Have a blessed Sunday. Gerry
Beautiful photo, Heather. And a great scripture to go with it.
God's beautiful creation is so awe-inspiring, isn't it?
Have a lovely day.
Yes, a simple scripture yet so profound--I long for those rivers of living water to flow through me.
What a lovely photo and verse. Have you ever visited Word-Filled Wednesday. I think you'd enjoy it. :) I've put mine for this week as my link for you to see. :) Praying for your arm.
HI everyone...thanks for leaving me comments!!! I miss writing everyone individual notes...but with work, it's too busy :) :) :) However, I read each and every one and they all make me very happy :) :) Have a great week. The bruise on my arm from carrying too many peaches in a shopping basket...it still looks nasty, but it's starting to look less yucky now!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Oh Heather, This is a beautiful post and what a gorgeous picture. I sure hope that your arm is feeling better and that all is going well at work!
love this photo! It's funny you said that about your arm, I lost feeling in my fingertips of my left hand carrying bags on Sat. from American Girl! Hoping it comes back! Thanks for your well wishes and comments. I greatly appreciate it!
LOVE this photo and LOVE the verse!! Beautiful:)
PS: Hope you are on the mend soon!
I *love* Sunday Scripture posts Heather...such a gorgeous photo you have to go with your verse. They match perfectly! :)
Have a wonderful week!
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