Hi everyone, I emailed the person in question to let her know what was happening. She said that her computer had been compromised a couple of months ago and that is when my spam emails started arriving. She said she always puts something in the subject line. I've just been deleted th email. She said thank you for the info :) :) I'm so glad I decided to tell her instead of blocking her...Well,I did block her and then unblocked her...I"m also marking those spam emails as "spam", so they go right to a junk box!!! Okay, I'm off to get some breakfast. That's the news from Oregon. Love and hugs, Heather:)
Hi everyone...
How are you? I'm fine. I worked today and now I"m home knitting and reading magazines etc. oh, I don't even have a photo for today. Sorry. Oh, I just experienced my first blog disappointment. One of the blogs I had been following, I had given my support and trust..and I don't want to give too many details yet...unless everyone asks...then maybe...but instead of returning the favor what I have been receiving are a load of junk emails and spam from this person's blog email address. So I stopped following the blog and that person is now "blocked" from my site. The straw that really broke the camels back was when I get one of countless emails from said person...and it's nothing but a "link" to some unknown site. Of course, I NEVER click on links like that...but this one had next to the link...how to lose weight and get in shape. Not only did I find that slightly offensive, but also in very poor taste....and besides, had absolutely NOTHING to do with the person's blog. Not only that, this same blogger, had sent me a friend request to Facebook via my email...and no, I automatically deleted that. I don't know why this is happening...but I took what steps I could to protect myself from this as well as protect my blogger friends...because if it happens to me, it could happen to you...and I "love" you all and consider you friends :) :) Anyway, I am annoyed...officially...right at this moment...
Well...not totally annoyed....because I've been knitting...so I've been relieving a lot of annoyance that way :) :) I'm participating in this month's mystery dishcloth knit-along over at Rachel's Knitting Corner. Click here to check it out. It's just knitting instructions right now...but you can see some very cute photos of other mystery dishcloths that are now finished projects.
Hey....please forgive me for my down tone today....I just am annoyed when I give something to someone in trust...and that trust is abused!!! I'm trying to keep a joyful and trusting spirit and not lose that...remembering that God will help me get through whatever difficulties I encounter...Otherwise, I'm doing fine....That's the news from Oregon today. Love and hugs, Heather :)
Oh, Heather, I'm SO sorry!!! I want to inform you of something that happened to my daughter recently...because maybe this person isn't aware that this is happening from his/her email address.
A couple months ago, my daughter was getting repeated emails from a blog/internet/Facebook friend, all which appeared to be coming from this girl she has known (online) since 2006, meaning that it would appear in daughter's inbox as from this girl, with girlsname@aol.com in the address.
The contents of the email was ONLY a link to a Viagra website. Of course, daughter didn't click on the link. She didn't do anything about it, but she got another one the next day, so she contacted her friend about it. The friend was NOT sending those things. Somehow, someway, someone had infiltrated her inbox and was sending those messages. So, the friend deleted that email address, and daughter blocked any further emails.
I don't know if that is what is happening with you, but if you really trusted this person, perhaps you could investigate. Maybe she has no idea this is happening.
And if it really is, I'm totally sorry for your experience. I would be disappointed too. When you give your trust and it is abused, it feels like such a betrayal.
Anyhow, sending love and hugs your way.
From the sounds of it her blog could have been attacked by a virus that harvested her email address and was utilizing it to spread spam. Thats why everyone should use letters, numbers, capitalization and symbols in their passwords. Also have a different password for every site.
just an FYI for everyone's safety.
I think Becky is right.
I had a blogger friend that said her email had been hacked and she changed her email but everyone was still getting these spam emails that look like they are coming from her.
It may not be the blogger's fault..but who knows now days.
Hey Heather! Sounds like she had a virus too to me...just inform her so she can put a stop to it...perhaps it will save her computer! And if you ever get stuff like that, be sure and delete it...
Who knows, maybe it was mine!!
HOPE NOT!! LET me KNOW if it was!!
I hope that the mess was some sort of error and not intentional. I hope I am not following that site.
Everyone gets down sometimes, do not worry, we will listen to your highs and lows. Enjoy knitting, I am a crocheter who cant seem to learn to knit.
Oh Heather! What happened? I noticed lately lots of spam/scam in my junk mail but so far not in the regular in box. I talked with Pat at Mille Fiori Favorita and she gave lots of great advice. This internet business is so tricky. Becky sounds like Pat. Change everything. I had to and now have to keep a book to write it all in LOL!
I hope otherwise you are ok and the job is going well. Hope your dad is well too.
The hosuign market is awful here. Rentals are junk! I am so sad! :( But never stop praying about it. Blessings Anne
I was going to say just about what the previous commenters said. There are so many mean-spirited people in the world, willing to take on someone else's identity to spam, etc. Hopefully that's all it was. We had an experience recently with someone nabbing our debit card numbers (somehow?!) and ordering a nice big computer system sent to them. Luckily, it was caught before the deal completely went through. I just don't understand why mean people do what they do, but I know it makes us feel violated. Trust, and have Faith... and all will turn out well :) I still believe that there is more good than evil in the world, and that we must hold onto. Hugs to you! -Tammy
So sorry to hear this happened to you Heather. But i have heard of a virus that is going through people's emails. Maybe the person is not aware? Hard to know in this virtual world sometime.
I hope things get better for you and the emails clear up.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi!I love your blog!
my name's Martina and I come from Italy...I would like you visit my fashion blog and if you like it...follow me! I wait you and your tips! kiss kiss =D
Hi Heather~ I am so sorry you've been through this. It really feels like it's personal and turns your stomach in knots, but it will pass. It sounds as though you've gotten lots of good loving advice from others already. I just have one addition to make.
Use one email for 'personal use' (and only give to those you know and trust) and another for 'business and blog'. That way no one can access your personal email and spam will be prevented. (By the way, Charter and gmail are very good at nabbing spam before they ever come to your box. If you tag them or delete them.)
Happy Autumn to you.
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